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Recent Publications 

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Uptate of nanoparticles in microglial cells.


Gonzalez, A., Simon, F., Achiardi, O., Vilos, C., Cabrera, D., and Cabello-Verrugio, C. The Critical Role of Oxidative Stress in Sarcopenic Obesity. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2021, 4493817.

Mauricio Cabaña-Brunod, Pablo A. Herrera, Valeria Márquez-Miranda, Felipe M. Llancalahuen, Yorley Duarte, Danilo González-Nilo, Juan A. Fuentes, Cristian Vilos, Luis Velásquez & Carolina Otero (2021) Development of a PHBV nanoparticle as a peptide vehicle for NOD1 activation, Drug Delivery, 28:1, 1020-1030.

Cisterna, B.A., Vargas, A.A., Puebla, C., Fernández, P., Escamilla, R., Lagos, C.F., Matus, M.F., Vilos, C., Cea, L.A., Barnafi, E., Gaete, H., Escobar, D.F., Cardozo, C.P., Sáez, J.C. Active acetylcholine receptors prevent the atrophy of skeletal muscles and favor reinnervation. 2020. Nature Communications 11(1),1073. 

García-López, J.P., Vilos, C., Feijóo, C.G. Zebrafish, a model to develop nanotherapeutics that control neutrophils response during inflammation. 2019. Journal of Controlled Release. 313, pp. 14-23


Abrigo, J., T. Marin, F. Aguirre, F. Tacchi, C. Vilos, F. Simon, M. Arrese, D. Cabrera and C. Cabello-Verrugio. N-Acetyl Cysteine attenuates the sarcopenia and muscle apoptosis induced by chronic liver disease. Curr Mol Med. 2019 Sep 17.

Abrigo, J., F. Simon, D. Cabrera, C. Vilos and C. Cabello-Verrugio (2019). Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle Pathologies. 2019. Curr Protein Pept Sci 20(6): 536-546.

Cabello-Verrugio, C., C. Vilos, R. Rodrigues-Diez and L. Estrada (2018). Oxidative Stress in Disease and Aging: Mechanisms and Therapies. 2018. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2018: 2835189.

Sahu A, Hwang Y, Vilos C, Lim JM, Kim S, Choi WI, Tae G. A novel alendronate functionalized nanoprobe for simple colorimetric detection of cancer-associated hypercalcemia
Nanoscale. 2018 Jul 19;10(28):13375-13383.

Matus MF, Ludueña M, Vilos C,  Palomo I, Mariscal MM. Atomic-level characterization and cilostazol affinity of poly(lactic acid) nanoparticles conjugated with differentially charged hydrophilic molecules. Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 2018 May 2;9:1328-1338.

Ábrigo J, Elorza AA, Riedel CA, Vilos C, Simon F, Cabrera D, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C. Role of Oxidative Stress as Key Regulator of Muscle Wasting during Cachexia. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018 Mar 28;2018:2063179.

Ábrigo J, Campos F, Simon F, Riedel C, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. TGF-β requires the activation of canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways to induce skeletal muscle atrophy. Biol Chem. 2018 Feb 23;399(3):253-264.

María Francisca Matus, Cristian Vilos, Bruno A. Cisterna, Eduardo Fuentes, Iván Palomo. Nanotechnology and primary hemostasis: differential effects of nanoparticles on platelet responses. Vascular Pharmacology. Vascul Pharmacol. 2018 Feb;101:1-8.

Choi WI, Sahu A, Vilos C, Kamaly N, Jo SM, Lee JH, Tae G. Bioinspired Heparin Nanosponge Prepared by Photo-crosslinking for Controlled Release of Growth Factors. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 30;7(1):14351.

Peñaloza JP, Márquez-Miranda V, Cabaña-Brunod M, Reyes-Ramírez R, Llancalahuen FM, Vilos C, Maldonado-Biermann F, Velásquez LA, Fuentes JA, González-Nilo FD, Rodríguez-Díaz M, Otero C. Intracellular trafficking and cellular uptake mechanism of PHBV nanoparticles for targeted delivery in epithelial cell lines. J Nanobiotechnology. 2017 Jan 3;15(1):1


Mauricio P. Pinto, Maximiliano Arce, Basit Yameen, Cristian Vilos. Targeted brain delivery nanoparticles for malignant gliomas. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2017 Jan;12(1):59-72.

Eduardo Fuentes, Basit Yameen, Soung- Jae Bong, Carolina Salvador-Morales, Ivan Palomo, Cristian Vilos. Antiplatelet effect of differentially charged PEGylated lipid-polymer nanoparticlesNanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine.  2017 Apr;13(3):1089-1094.

Bruno A. Cisterna, Nazila Kamaly, Won Il Choi, Ali Tavakkoli, Omid C. Farokhzad, Cristian Vilos. Targeted nanoparticles for colorectal cancer. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2016 ,Vol. 11, No. 18, Pages 2443-2456.

Salvador Morales, Carolina; Brahmbhatt, Binal; Márquez-Miranda, Valeria; Araya-Duran, Ingrid; Canan, Jonathan; Gonzalez-Nilo, Fernando; Vilos, Cristian; Cebral, Juan; Mut, Fernando; Lohner, Rainald; Leong, Brian; Sundaresan, Gobalakrishnan ; Zweit, Jamal. Mechanistic Studies on the Self-assembly of PLGA Patchy Particles and their Potential Applications in Biomedical Imaging. Langmuir. 2016, 32 (31), pp 7929–7942.

Nazila Kamaly, Gabrielle Fredman, Jhalique Jane R. Fojas, Manikandan Subramanian, Won II Choi, Katherine Zepeda, Cristian Vilos, Mikyung Yu, Suresh Gadde, Jun Wu, Jaclyn Milton, Renata Carvalho Leitao, Livia Rosa Fernandes, Moaraj Hasan, Huayi Gao, Vance Nguyen, Jordan Harris, Ira Tabas, and Omid C Farokhzad. Targeted Interleukin-10 Nanotherapeutics Developed with a Microfluidic Chip Enhance Resolution of Inflammation in Advanced Atherosclerosis. ACS Nano, 2016, 10 (5), pp 5280–5292.

B. Yameen, C. Vilos, W.I. Choi, A. Whyte, J. Huang, L. Pollit, O.C. Farokhzad. Drug delivery nanocarriers from fully degradable PEG-conjugated polyester with reduction-responsive backbone. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21,1–6.

Cristian Vilos, Luis A Velasquez, Paula I Rodas, Katherine Zepeda, Soung-Jae Bong, Natalia Herrera, Mario Cantin, Felipe Simon, Luis Constandil. Preclinical development and in vivo efficacy of ceftiofur-PLGA microparticles. 2015. Plos One, 10(4): e0123335.

Paula Solar, Guillermo González, Cristian Vilos, Natalia Herrera, Natalia Juica, Mabel Moreno, Felipe Simon and Luis Velásquez. Multifunctional polymeric nanoparticles doubly loaded with SPION and ceftiofur retain their physical and biological properties. Journal of Nanobiotechnology (2015) 13:14.

Choi, Won; Kamaly, Nazila; Riol-Blanco, Lorena; Lee, In-Hyun; Wu, Jun; Swami, Archana; Vilos, Cristian; Yameen, Basit; Yu, Mikyung; Shi, Jinjun; Tabas, Ira; von Andrian, Ulrich; Jon, Sangyong; Farokhzad, Omid C. A Solvent-free Thermosponge Nanoparticle Platform for Efficient Delivery of Labile Proteins. Nano Letters. Nan.o Lett. 2014 Nov 12;14(11):6449-55.

Yameen B, Choi WI, Vilos C, Swami A, Shi J, Farokhzad OC. Insight into nanoparticle cellular uptake and intracellular targetingJournal of Controlled Release 190 (2014) 485–499.


Vilos, C., L. Constandil, P. I. Rodas, M. Cantin, K. Zepeda, N. Herrera, and L. A. Velasquez. Evaluation of ceftiofur–PHBV microparticles in rats. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2014:8 651–666.

Mario Cantín, Patricio Miranda, Iván Suazo Galdames, Daniela Zavando, Patricia Arenas, Luis Velásquez, Cristian Vilos. In vivo biocompatibility of the PLGA microparticles in parotid gland. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2013;6(11):2412-2418.

Vilos C, Morales FA, Solar PA, Herrera NS, Gonzalez-Nilo FD, Aguayo DA, Mendoza HL, Comer J, Bravo ML, Gonzalez PA, Kato S, Cuello MA, Alonso C, Bravo EJ, Bustamante EI, Owen GI, Velasquez LA. Paclitaxel-PHBV nanoparticles and their toxicity to endometrial and primary ovarian cancer cells. Biomaterials. 2013; 34(16):4098-108.

Vilos C. and Velasquez L. A., Therapeutic Strategies Based on Polymeric Microparticles, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, vol. 2012, Article ID 672760, 9 pages, 2012.

Shi J., Xiao Z., Votruba A. R., Vilos C., and Farokhzad O. C. Differentially Charged Hollow Core/Shell Lipid–Polymer–Lipid Hybrid Nanoparticles for Small Interfering RNA Delivery. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50,   1 – 6.

Books |

Chapter Contributions 

Chapter 10: Stimuli-Responsive Nanotheranostics.

Basit Yameen, Jun Wu, Cristian Vilos, Andrew Whyte, David Werstler, Lori Pollit , Omid C. Farokhzad. Nanotheranostics for Personalized Medicine: 267-296. World Scientific, 2016.

Patent Applications

– Constandil L., Ibarra P., Vilos C., Veláquez L., Pelissier T., Laurido C., Hernández A.  Nanoparticles With Biodegradable and Biocompatible Polymer PLGA, Loaded With the Drug for Human Use Pentoxifylline. Publication number: WO2014075203 A8 – PCT number: PCT/CL2013/000084 – Also published as: WO2014075203A8.

– Shi J., Zeyu X., Votruba A., Vilos C., Farokhzad O. Lipid-polymer hybrid particles. Publication number: US20130315831 A1 – Application number: US 13/820,351 – PCT number: PCT/US2011/050334 – Also published as: WO2012031205A2, WO2012031205A3.

–  Vilos C. Velásquez L. A., Orihuela P., Rios M. Injectable veterinary composition for sustained release of ceftiofur and florfenicol in animal species, which comprises poly(lacticcoglycolic acid) (plga) microparticles, and the method for the preparation thereof. Publication number: WO2013071456 A3 – Application number: PCT/CL2012/000066 – Also published as: WO2013071456A2.

– Vilos C., Velásquez LA., Constandil L., Rios M. Injectable veterinary composition for controlled, sustained release of ceftiofur and florfenicol in animal species, based on polyhydroxybutyrate hydroxyvalerate (phbv) microparticles.  Publication number: WO2013071457 A1 – Application number: PCT/CL2012/000067 – Also published as WO2013071457A4.


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