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nanotechnology is defined as the understanding and control of matter that involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at the nanoscale, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. The term nanotechnology also refers to the manufacturing and utilization of materials, devices, and systems in the 0.1-100 nm dimension range.

nanotechnology involves the design and development of novel nanostructures that have improved the efficiency of industrial processes and promoted the development in fields such as energy, the environment, materials, and medicine.  

Given the broad platform of applications that nanotechnology offers in life sciences, and the inherent nanoscale functions of the biological mechanisms that form living cells.

nanobiotechnology has been an emerging research domain in nanotechnology. Nanobiotechnology has been pivotal to many significant advances in the methods currently used for diagnostics, biomedical imaging, biosensors, and drug delivery systems.


Cellular uptake of nanoparticles: journey inside the cell.  Chem. Soc. Rev., 2017, 46, 4218

nanomedicine includes the development of nanodevices and nanoanalytical techniques for the molecular diagnostics, treatment, and prevention of disease (in terms of pain reduction and preserving or improving human health). Drug delivery is a key component in the development of nanomedicine. 

Drug delivery based on nanoparticles include the intracellular delivery of macromolecules, improvements in poorly water-soluble drugs, the co-liberation of therapeutic agents, and the improvement of effective therapies that transcend the epithelial and endothelial barriers. In addition, advanced therapeutic strategies based on nanoparticles are allowed to targeted delivery of drugs to specific cell-tissues. In several cases, the nanoarchitecture of nanocarriers is a perfect example of engineering that combines cellular components and nanomaterials technology. Currently, there is a broad range of nanocarriers—such as liposomes, dendrimers, polymeric micelles, polymeric nanoparticles —that continually promise to revolutionize the future of medicine.

We are focused in the development of advanced drug delivery therapies based on polymeric micro and/or nanoparticles, and the development of novel biomaterials for nanotherapeutics.

Nanomedicine unab nanomedicina vilos
Nanomedicine unab nanomedicina vilos
Nanomedicine unab nanomedicina vilos

Smart Technology for a 

Big Challenge


El Laboratorio de Nanomedicine and Targeted Delivery centra su investigación en el desarrollo de estrategias terapéuticas de liberación de fármacos basadas en nanopartículas poliméricas, el estudio de las interacciones nano-bio, los mecanismos celulares involucrados en la respuesta terapéutica.

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